your questions, answered
Maybe it’s your first time ordering something like this, or… you’ve just got some questions about the process. Either way, I’ve collected some of the most common things people ask me, here! If you don’t see your question, don’t worry! Feel free to reach out on my contact form, and I’ll get your questions answered as soon as I can.
Can I order a design that you already made?
Absolutely! As long a I still have access to the specific fabric, then I can recreate any dress. Just contact me for details!
Can I order a custom design?
YEEEEES! I have a few base designs, but the colors, fabric, fringe and other details are all YOU! (Request yours HERE!)
How long are rentals?
Local (Lee County Florida) rentals can be 1 or 5 days. Non-Local (must be shipped) rentals are 5 days from the day you receive the dress.
Do you ship outside the US?
Yes! Though it can be costly. I highly recommend combining your purchases if you plan on more than one dress, or finding another photographer who would also like a dress to split the shipping.
What is the care for the dresses (washing, drying etc)?
Treat your dress like a wedding or prom dress. Spot clean, hand wash if you must but preferably dry clean. Colors from the fabrics and ribbons can possibly bleed, so please be cautious with your cleaning.
Do you ever give discounts?
Sometimes. But only in my Facebook group (sorry, this is for photographers only).
Where are you located?
In sunny SW Florida!
What's the turn around time on a custom dress or a re-make?
Turn around time is currently up to 6 weeks due to fabric shipping delays.